Inventory Logs

Sync Details:
SYNC DATE: 2024-07-03 21:08:29

Consolidated - Consolidated items
Unconsolidated - Items breakdown by Location
Consolidate by Location - Total items by Location
Low Stock - Item stocks below 250
Out of Stock - Item with 0 stocks
Show Category - Items with category
SKU Name Total Qty On Hold Allocated Available Vendor # Location Type/Category
GA521SpaVapor Gray8008521
GA526Creature Comforts Rosie the Pig (Unit)1001526
GA527Creature Comforts Jax the Frog (Unit)5005527
GA559The New SpaVapor5005559
GA562Greenair CarScent (Unit)6515006515562
GA563Greenair Urbane (Unit)2002563
GA564Lattice Air Dual Language160016564
GA592Wisdom Aroma Bracelet with 2ml Tranquility Oil4004592