Inventory Logs

Sync Details:
SYNC DATE: 2025-02-16 22:00:01

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Low Stock - Item stocks below 250
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Show Category - Items with category
SKU Name Total Qty On Hold Allocated Available Vendor # Location Type/Category
GA656White Marble (Unit)23400234656
GA572Type- C Refill Pad 10 pk. Fits Lattice Air and Trellis19600196572
GA7483F&W-(T)Ceramic Stone TOP Far & Wild (Black)192001927483F&W-(T)
GA647Serene Living Fountain (Unit)188012176647
GA951664 Count Faux Leather Oil Bag - Brown164001649516
GA604Type- F Refill Pad Pack of 6167012155604
GA7487Diffuser Now Solutions Ultrasonic Glass Swirl USB150001507487
GA1228Natures Remedy Lux Glow Breccia (Unit)1490121371228
GA596Greenair AromaCloud (Unit)12700127596
GA520GBSpaVapor Gift Box350035520GB
GA529Creature Comforts Mimi the Cat (Unit)320032529
GA1273Arynne Oil Diffuser2900291273
GA1068Creature Comforts Unicorn (Unit)2600261068
GA1310Essence Aroma Necklace with 2ml Stress Gone Oil2400241310
GA869732 Count Canvas Oil Bag - ZigZag2100218697
GA1266Nature Remedy Elena Oil Diffuser1600161266
GA976SpaVapor Pro110011976
GA625Trellis Air Diffuser8008625
GA636Sienna Car Bamboo (Unit)8008636
GA547Serene Living Dewdrop (Unit)8008547
GA5907 Chakras Aroma Bracelet with 2ml Stress Gone Oil7007590
GA1020LaBrisa Grey (Unit) 50051020
GA679Diffuser Serene Living Grey Shale4004679
GA1068GBUnicorn Gift Box40041068GB
GA1181Green Air Beckett40041181
GA1105SpaTrekker (Unit)40041105
GA676Diffuser Natures Remedy Tortoise4004676
GA686Diffuser Natures Remedy Ruby Marble4004686
GAZVR3780R ZeVana Beginner Kit4004ZVR3780
GA755Greenair Rowan (Unit) 3003755
GA2010Serene Living Energia White30122010
GA664Diffuser Serene Living Champagne2002664
GA1211Lux Stella Teal Dual Language10011211
GA637Greenair ScentTrekker Purple (Unit)1001637
GA5064Serene Living Geo Ultrasonic Oil10015064
GA5071Wandor Unit50505071
GA1259Natures Remedy Kate (Unit)40401259